Join us beginning Saturday, October 19th from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Carmel Winter Farmers Market. And, because many are asking: turkeys are going fast, with the extra-small and small sizes sold out; we do have plenty of 16+ lb turkeys as well as turkey breasts available.

How-To: Tips and Tricks for Preparing Grass-Fed Steaks

If you've never cooked with grass-fed and finished steaks before, it can be a bit of a mystery getting started.  Below are some helpful tips for preparing the steaks:

  • Place the steaks in the refrigerator for at least 3 days before you plan to prepare them; not only will this thaw the steak, but will also help to tenderize the meat. Allow the meat to ‘come to temperature’ before cooking (which means for it to sit at room temperature for ~20-30 minutes; enough time to take the chill off from the refrigerator). Season both sides of the steak generously with salt, pepper, and garlic.
  • Pre-heat the grill/pan/oven before adding the meat.
  • Sear the steak on both sides for about 3-4 minutes per side.
  • Use tongs (not a fork) to turn the meat so that juices are not lost.
  • Cooking the steak to no more than ‘medium’ is suggested, as cooking to ‘well-done’ is likely to yield a tough, dry end-result. If you prefer a ‘well-done’ steak, consider cooking at a lower temperature and with some sort of sauce/marinade for moisture
  • Because of the high-protein and low-fat nature of grass-fed and finished meat, reduce the cooking time by about 30% to avoid over-cooking. After cooking, place 1 TBSP of (real) butter to the top of each steak, then allow the steak to ‘rest’ in a warm area for about 10 minutes before eating; this will allow the juices to go back into the meat.

1 comment

  • I will make sure to keep the steaks in the fridge! I was just about to take them out of the packaging! I didn’t know that I could tenderize them just by waiting, this is great news!


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