Join us on Saturdays from October 19th to March 29th from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Carmel Winter Farmers Market! In a rut or don't know where to start with meal planning? Sign up on our homepage for our farm e-mails and receive a copy of our 'Meal Planning Made Easy' guide.

Bulk Ordering

The most economical route to purchase our meat is by buying in bulk.  Please refer to our order form sheets below to learn more about the options available for our beef and pork.  As always, feel free to contact us with questions, since it can be a little overwhelming when making bulk ordering decisions the first time or two. 

Several years ago, in an effort to allow more options to our customers and keep our relationship with our processors happy, we re-vamped how we fill bulk orders~upon receiving your order form with selections marked, we use the most recent packages to fill your order. 

Customers have the option to choose the cut within each category -or- the ground beef equivalent of that cut.  For example, if you know your family consumes more ground beef than roasts, you can choose to have 12 pounds of ground beef in place of 12 pounds of chuck roasts.  This method also means that your cuts do not have to match the cuts of other customers (whereas previously, certain cuts within the half-beef had to match on the two quarters).  A quarter-beef is guaranteed to be 100 pounds of finished-product (excluding bones) and will take up the space of two standard-sized (48-qt) coolers, with the possibility of some overflow into a third, depending on the cuts you choose.  

In regard to pork, customers again have the freedom to choose what works best for their family--either the cut within each category -or- the ground pork equivalent.  For example, if you know no one in your family eats spare ribs, you can choose to have 3 additional pounds of ground pork instead.  Also, with the ground pork, you can choose from among ALL of our ground pork options whereas before, our processor allowed 1 choice for half-hog orders and 2 for whole-hog orders.  

I know this can seem like a lot of information and because this is a sizeable investment, please, please reach out with any questions that you may have.  

Bulk Beef Order Form

Bulk Pork Order Form 

When placing your bulk order, a $100 deposit is required and the balance is due at the time of pick-up.  Please note: Due to the fees involved when paying large transaction amounts by credit card, we require either cash or check payment for bulk orders.  If you would like to pay by credit card, 3% of the total amount due will be added to help offset the credit card fee.  As a small business, we thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this!