Join us beginning Saturday, October 19th from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Carmel Winter Farmers Market. And, because many are asking: turkeys are going fast, with the extra-small and small sizes sold out; we do have plenty of 16+ lb turkeys as well as turkey breasts available.

How-To: Prepare Fresh Side

For those looking for a great-tasting, you're-in-control-of-the ingredients option for bacon, we encourage you to try fresh side.  What is this thing called fresh side?  you ask.   Well, it is essentially bacon before it becomes bacon--i.e. uncured/fresh pork belly (also referred to as pork side).  While there are numerous ways to prepare it, below is what we do.  If you make it (either this way or another way), let us know what you think.

1. Thaw package in the refrigerator (I usually do this overnight so that it is ready for the morning).

2. In a small bowl, combine salt (~1 tsp), black pepper (~1/8 tsp), and sugar (~ 2 TBSP, white, coconut, or brown). Note: I do not actually measure these ingredients, so feel free to adjust accordingly.  Rub this all over on both sides of the fresh side strips. This amount of seasoning will cover 3-4 strips (which is what I prepare at one time; make more seasoning if planning to prepare more strips).

3. Place on a broiling sheet and bake at 350F for ~20-25 minutes, the turn sides over and bake an additional 20-25 minutes, continuing to bake and flip as needed until desired doneness is reached. The end result should be brown and sizzling (similar in color to regular bacon). The photo  below is a bit blurry, so I'll try to take a better one the next time I prepare a batch of fresh side.  

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