Join us on Saturdays from October 19th to March 29th from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Carmel Winter Farmers Market!

Beef & Noodles

One of my favorite comfort-food meals to eat is chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, and green beans served with a buttered roll.  While a little starch-heavy (okay, make that a lot starch-heavy!), it is oh-so-good!  Every now and then, I will mix things up and make beef and noodles for the sake of my poor husband who eats more than his fair share of chicken around here.  I often will use a roast to make this dish, but I have found that using a soup bone (or two, depending on the size) will also work just fine. 

1-2 beef soup bones (~2-3 lbs total)
package of your favorite noodles
salt and pepper, to taste
optional: a few sprigs of fresh chopped parsley (it makes me feel better to see a little green in this dish!)


  1. Fill crock pot with around 3 inches of water; turn to 'high' and add frozen (or thawed) beef soup bones.
  2. Cook for ~5-6 hours if the bones were frozen (a little less time, if they were thawed); the liquid should be bubbling and the meat should fork-apart easily from the bone.
  3. Once the meat and stock are done, use tongs to transfer the meat to a dish to cool for ~10-15 minutes (or until you can comfortably handle it).  While the meat is cooling, strain the stock into a stock pot and turn to 'high'.  Once it is boiling, add your noodles and follow package directions to cook the noodles to the desired tenderness.  Add salt, pepper, and parsley (if using).  While the noodles are cooking, separate the meat from any fat/scrap, chop it up, and add it to your noodles.
  4. Serve with mashed potatoes and your favorite vegetable.  Enjoy!

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