Join us on Saturdays from October 19th to March 29th from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Carmel Winter Farmers Market! Click here and stock up on ground beef in March, with our 20 lbs for $150 special!

Chicken Drumsticks DEPOSIT

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Contains 4 drumsticks per package; package weight is approximately 1.5 pounds

Available Frozen

Price: $3.50/lb (the $5 deposit confirms your order and the balance will be due at the time of pick-up; please understand that because this item is priced by the pound, we will not be able to provide you with the exact total until the pick-up date)

Meaty and full of flavor!  Baste with your favorite sauce or seasonings; bake in the oven or prepare on the grill.